What is PI? Why Pi (π) is so Important?

The ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter is equal to equal to 3.14159265358979323846… (the digits go on forever without repeating).Pi is denoted by the Greek alphabet π, pronounced ‘pie’ and is the most common constant used in mathematics.

A rough approximation is 22/7 (=3.1428571…) but that is not very accurate.Regardless of the size of the circle, this ratio will always be the same.Pi is an irrational number which means its decimal form neither ends nor is repetitive.

Pi is used most commonly in different computations related to circles and also shows up in different mathematical situations. The Egyptians and Babylonians were aware of the significance of Pi from a very long time.They used a rough approximation of the value of Pi which was later improvised by mathematicians like Archemides. With the invention of the computer and modern mathematics, we now know the first six billion digits of pi.
The mystery of Pi still intrigues mathematicians and continues to be investigated.

Original Source: https://goo.gl/YSwBOZ
